Kona Coffee

Friday, April 22, 2011

Freedoms such as our forefathers conceived…

Let freedom ring!
  I agree that any government at any level should not be involved in personal decisions or even influence them. No greater illusion than legislation enacted to save people from themselves. The good governing of humans requires careful consideration of human nature… So its quality is inherently dependent upon whoever is in charge.

   American Government should be embarrassed that it is ruled by Corporations. The government of these United States are always trying to sell democracy all over the world, “Money spent: one hundred billion a year” it’s time they practiced it at home. Money spent: Zero… Corporatism is government indifference against the American people… Fractional economics only borrows our future from our children’s future. We need a system in place that does not perpetuate corruption in government, a non-capitalist government in a capitalist financial system.

  A capitalist government in a capitalist system is incongruous to perpetuate the ideas to freedom such as our forefathers conceived…

  Author John Jackson

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